
Building a Financial Model

  1. Spend Some Time to Get Familiar with Excel
    1. Constants, Parameters, etc.
    2. Equations
    3. Formatting
  2. Characterize Your Prospective Clients, What They Will Buy, and When
  3. Build an Arrival Model based on Advertising, Sales Staff or Whatever Drives Your Sales
  4. Model Your Cost of Sales
  5. Add in Your Fixed Costs
  6. Model Your Cashflow
  7. Calculate Funding Requirements to Cashflow Break Even
  8. Calculate Time to Cashflow Break Even

It is best to break things out on to separate sheets once you master equations with values on other sheets.

It may seem like overkill but use months as your unit of time, it is what everyone is used to seeings and how everyone thinks.

Be realistic on how long it takes to sell. The time to close is proportional to the price.

Be realistic about how long it takes to raise money. It ALWAYS takes longer than you think.